
Tuesday 11 October 2011

assessment 3 blog post

So we have reached the end of my first year of studies and the end of mpi104, the class for which i started this blog. this class was really fun as most university classes involve a lot of unfamiliar learning but with the age we live in almost everyone is familiar with some aspects of multimedia and its uses as a social tool. in mpi this session we have done things such as create accounts for gmail, blogger, delicious and flickr as well as create our own webpage and upload it to the internet. in blogger i created a song of the day blog, choosing songs from my itunes randomly and uploading it to the internet as well as doing the weekly class topic blogs. in delicious i saved links for my personal daily use as well as links relating to my blog theme. in flickr i added photos from trips, holiday and concerts. you will find photos from my trip to china last year, the megadeath concert i went to, a trip to newcastle from a few years ago and a photo of my awesome beard that i am sporting at the moment. so i guess i will wrap it up and say cheers it was fun!!!

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